Upcoming events
Prices vary depending on the voucher type.
08-03-2025 9:00 am
- 10-03-2025 8:00 pm
$55 - 3 Day Festival Pass or $30 - 1 Day Pass
14-01-2025 - 23-01-2025
Prices vary depending on number of days chosen
27-01-2025 - 05-04-2025
Prices vary depending on number of classes chosen
27-01-2025 - 05-04-2025
Prices vary depending on number of classes chosen
27-01-2025 - 05-04-2025
Prices vary depending on number of classes chosen
27-01-2025 - 05-04-2025 6:00 pm
$21 per trial class
Prices vary depending on the chosen package